Check out our Black Friday home care bundles...
Check out these stocking stuffers for your home care business. We have bundled the most requested courses and programs for Colorado home care agencies. These items are the fastest way to get your agency in compliance and ready for an AWESOME 2023.
Class B Super Compliance Bundle
This bundle includes:
- Full Class B Policies & Procedures Package - includes 2022 updates and exclusive 9-binder policy system to whip your compliance into shape in NO time!
- 2 Enrollments for the Essentials for Administrators 8-Hour Course (1 for the Administrator and 1 for Alternate Administrator)
$400 Savings!!!

Need to get direct care staff CEUs before 2023?
This bundle provides access to 6 specific trainings and is instantly available for you and ALL your staff. These courses are required by CDPHE for direct care staff annually.
Each staff member will receive a unique log in and an individual course completion certificate when done. UNLIMITED staff members can complete this training between now and the end of 2022.
1-Hour CEU Courses Included:
Abuse & Neglect Prevention
Basic First Aid
Home Safety
Emergency Preparedness & Disaster Planning
Consumer Rights & Behavior Management
Infection Control & Universal Precautions
Each course is $250 for UNLIMITED staff members.
Or get UNLIMITED enrollees for all 6 course for $1250
$250 Savings!!!
Still have questions?
Email me at [email protected] or call me at 720.255.4150.
I respond to every email, I really do